Why Two Envelopes?

Gray and silver marble wedding invitation with foil stamping and vintage stamps

If you’ve ever felt perplexed after receiving an invitation that’s neatly stuffed within not one but TWO envelopes, this post is for you!

So yes that’s right, your invitation may get tucked inside two envelopes and lucky for you, I’m here to explain the method to this madness.

Envelope Liners

Wedding invitation envelopes with letterpress and foil printing

If your suite contains an envelope liner (ie. those fancy envelope flaps above), I recommend including it on an unsealed inner envelope.

Picture this…you receive a beautiful invitation in the mail. You rip open the outer envelope (this is especially traumatizing when the envelope meets my husband’s pocket knife) to reveal a pristine inner envelope. The inner envelope isn’t sealed, so when you pop it open, it reveals a gorgeously in-tact envelope liner.

If there was only one envelope involved in this scenario, the liner would be ripped to shreds never living out its full potential. Sad story, right?

So to recap, this one gets ripped open by your guests…

Gray wedding invitation envelope with white addressing

And this one remains unsealed and protected from the elements so your guests can marvel at the beautiful envelope liner…

Gray and gold rustic wedding invitation on handmade paper

Wax Seals

Pearl white wax seal with couple’s monogram, sealing a gray envelope for a Saratoga Springs wedding

If you would like to seal your envelopes with a wax seal, I also recommend this two-envelope system. 

Reason being…wax seals are a GORGEOUS way to embellish your envelopes; however, they’re not always post-office-friendly. 

Even if you ask for special handling at the post office, keep in mind, your invitations need to do lots of traveling before they make it to your guests. This means being shuffled through bins, boxes, and machines — all danger zones for a wax seal which can easily catch on any of these hazards.

To avoid all this, I like to include the wax seal on your inner envelope so the outer envelope can act as a layer of protection — keeping the seal in-tact and smudge-free :)

And at the end of the day, if you’re not sure if your invitation suite would be better off with a single or double envelope, don’t worry, I’m here to help you make that decision based on the style of your unique suite.

xo, Katie

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